How do you raise $30,000 to send a high quality, motivated, creative AgriCorps Member overseas for a year to teach agricultural education?
We’re raising $30,000 in 30 days to send an AgriCorps Member overseas for a year, and we’re doing it TOGETHER through $10, $25, and $100 donations. Each ACM is deployed to a unique village to initiate 4-H and Future Farmer growth and development, which means that every ACM serving overseas could transform an entire community.
Most of us don’t have $30,000 lying around (at least I don’t), but through the website CrowdRise we can raise that amount together with our $10, $25, and $100 donations. In 30 days we will do together what we couldn’t have on our own!
Every bit counts! Your $10 tax-deductible donation will pay for an ACM to teach one AgriScience class. It may be the class where everything clicks for a student and they embrace the idea of being an agricultural entrepreneur. Give today and learn more at
If you’re unable to donate at this time, you can still support AgriCorps by spreading the word so we reach their $30,000 goal by Dec 17. Be sure to follow AgriCorps on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram so you can share their posts.
Thank you for your ongoing support of AgriCorps! If you have any questions at all, please email me at
Ann Leslie Bluntzer
Director of Partnerships