Lesson 7: Holidays are for Gratitude

November and December is the holiday season. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, all a time when we reflect with our family and friends about the all that we have witnessed and endured throughout the year. We express gratitude for surviving our hardships and solidarity in our mistakes. Last year, I celebrated Thanksgiving at one of […]

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The African Experience: Purging the Single-Story Narrative

I was roaming from class to class as I usually do during our routine morning break time of the school day. The air was filled with the sound of trampling feet rushing to the lunch line, the bouncing of soccer balls, and the mumble of varied conversation throughout the classrooms. During today’s morning break, I […]

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The Ghana Network

They say ask and you shall receive. In Ghana, it’s more ask, then ask again, and again, then you shall receive. Recently, I found myself wandering through a market with the president of the Kumbungu 4-H club searching for a jerry can to convert into a nursery. If you don’t know, a jerry can is […]

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